This map shows fisheries-related places you can visit around the Great Lakes. Select a location to find out more.

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Regional and Community Tours
Beaver Island - An Island Fisheries Experience
Fishtown - A Living Fishery, A Working Waterfront
Great Lakes Seaway Trail
The Great Lakes Seaway Trail is a 518 mile scenic driving route that follows the shores of Lake Erie, the Niagara River, Lake Ontario, and the St. Lawrence River in New York and Pennsylvania.
M-22 -  Northwest Lower Michigan
Commercial and recreational fishing have been and are an important way of life in communities along the shores of northeastern Lake Michigan.
Mackinac Straits Area , 'Bridging' Past and Present Fisheries
Explore Great Lakes fisheries heritage past and present from both sides of the Mackinac Bridge.
Northeast Michigan (US-23) - Fisheries Experiences Abound
Great Lakes fisheries experiences abound in northeast Michigan.
Saginaw Bay - Great Bay, Great Fisheries
Saginaw Bay celebrates its fisheries history and heritage from the rivers to the Bay.
Saugatuck-Douglas History Center
Bringing Saugatuck and Douglas Fisheries Heritage to Life
South Haven Harbor Walk rich in Fisheries Heritage Experiences
The South Haven Harbor Walk offers opportunity to explore Lake Michigan fisheries past and present.